Tools at bullgit

How I already wrote in the Communicating at bullgit blog post is it complicated to communicate without the right tool. Beside chatting, we also use other services to interact with each other.

This list will be updated when we use new services or stop using one.


Organize anything, together

The fact that we are spread around the world doesn't make it easier to decide on new projects / ideas / anything easily. Therefore we use Trello, which is a collaborative organization tool.

It is possible to create boards, lists and cards.
Boards are something like a group. Lists are an undergroup. The cards are the actuall items, which can contain images, checklists and much more.

We @bullgit have two main boards: # Projects and # Organisation.

The image above shows that we sort our projectideas in the lists @IDEAS, @TODO, @DOING and @COMPLETE.

The goal of using Trello is that we can vote on the ideas and comment and discuss them also when people are sleeping, while others are awake.


Build software better, together.

GitHub is here to work together on code. Everybody can create own repos, but there are also organizations like bullgit. When we have an idea on Trello which we want to realize, it will eventually end on github. We already have 42 repositorys and the number grows nearly weekly, you can see all of them at or on our GitHub profile page.